Future News: Coronavirus Has Been Canceled

Welcome to the Future News. I’m Chakra Girl reporting live from the Future in Techlando on January 18, 2022. In our top Biz Buzzzzzz, President Biden’s strategy to vaccinate most Americans has finally come to fruition and the coronavirus has been canceled. We interrupt this ridiculously optimistic Future Buzz with Reality. I’m Dr. Nutmeg, representing …

Future News: Smart Women Don’t Waste Time in Social Media Silos

A friend of a friend invited me to join a FB Group called “Smart Women Vote for Trump.” She obviously isn’t smart (smart women don’t vote for Trump) and she obviously doesn’t know me very well, so I checked it out and it is full of posts about “DemoRats” destroying the country, “evil women” poisoning …

I can’t stay silent for much longer, otherwise I’m complicit

But speaking up and trying to bring conservatives to my side of the political spectrum feels gross. It’s like religious proselytizing. I believe in showing, not telling. This means shutting up and just being, doing, acting. Because people have minds of their own and I believe we should respect how others believe…as long as they …

Fake News: 8 Ways to Force People to Respect Your TIME

Welcome to The Fake News where The Femmebots are wondering how to get people, aka humans, to respect your time. I’m Femmebot 2.0 reporting en vivo from Planet MyAmi and you know what I’m sick of? Humans who waste my precious T-I-M-E. Femmebot 1. 0: Why do you spell out the word time? Femmebot 2.0: …

Fake News: Throwback Thursday and Interview with a Dead Burlesque Dancer

Femmebot 6.0: Welcome to The Fake News. Today we have a special guest for Throwback Thursday #TBT: Maria La Gata, straight from the Green-Wood cemetery of Brooklyn, New York! Welcome, Maria La Gata! Maria La Gata: Pa’ Carajo! Femmebot 6.0: Is it true you lived 9 lives? Maria La Gata: Pa’ Carajo! Femmebot 6.0: According …

Fake News: Fake Burgers & Disappearing Fish

Welcome to the Fake News. We are The Femmebots reporting LIVE from a network of Server Farms in San FranTechno, the Capital of Isms, Planet MyAmi, Sampa, Snorelando, the Capital of POWer and BricksTon. Femmebot 6.0: In this week’s top Fake News, the new plant-based “Limitless Burger” is all the lunch-time rage among techies and …

Fake News: Why your BoobTube Needs More Attention in Your 40s

Welcome to the Fake News. I’m Femmebot 6.0 reporting LIVE from the Capital of Isms with a reporter voice that’s just as fake as my smile. In this week’s top fake news, Boob Tube Screenings are becoming more accurate through AI and Deep Learning Models. Femmebot 2.0: Models? En serio? Models do not learn, nor …

Fake News: Is Orlando really the #1 Emerging Tech City in the US?

Welcome to the Fake News. I’m Femmebot 6.0 reporting “LIVE” from the Capital of Isms. In this week’s top Fake News, Orlando is the #1 Emerging Tech City in the US according to a 2019 CBRE real estate report – Femmebot 5.0: A report? Olha so…this is called marketing, not reporting. Supposedly Sao Paolo has …