Xpand the Plan

Red Chakra Monday It has been a restful weekend playing nurse to PC. I set an intention to stay healthy. I hope I can because I am heading to Miami on Wednesday. I am focusing on natural beauty this week. I am a beautiful woman inside and out. I stayed inside and gave myself extra …

I Am Ready

Its a holiday but I decide to work today after spending 2 days straight with my lover. Instead of going to the office I go H-O-M-E. I need to ground myself after a weekend of flying. It’s interesting – my lover grounds himself with me and I fly by being with him. This is why …

Planting Seeds

If I am to start working for myself again, I need to get my own health insurance. In San Francisco, I had Kaiser Permanente, and I remember liking them more than any other insurance I ever had. Why? I remember it was relatively easy to get prescriptions filled, to get appointments, and the quality of …

Farmer vs. Gypsy

Purple Chakra Saturday It’s my brother’s birthday. He is 31, married with 2 kids and has intentions of having more. He is very conscious of the steps he is taking in life. He loves having a family. He is planting seeds and watching them grow. He is a farmer. By contrast, I am a gypsy. I …

The Urban Ashram

I have started calling my new home “The Urban Ashram” because it is pretty much empty and only has the bare-bones necessities. I suppose it makes sense. Sleeping on a yoga mat made me bust into a bunch of asanas before folding up the blankets neatly and heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. …

9 Months of Homemaking

I’ve been here and there and everywhere, not planting anything long enough to watch the roots grow into something lovely and beautiful that could give me sustainable joy. Apparently I am typical of my generation. I prolonged childhood, avoided commitment and experimented with my identity when I “should have” been getting married, working full-time and …

If a billion people in India can stay calm behind the wheel, surely Miami can figure it out

Words by Kemila Velan As soon as I started working full time again, I dreaded the idea of battling Miami’s infamous and infuriating rush hour traffic. I thought about packing a 45 in my glove compartment, but then I stumbled upon Wynyfryd’s Meditation Room, a quirky little Podcast that soothes me to the point I’m …