Fake News: More than a Million Species Face Extinction

EXT: The FACTory INT: News Desk Femmebot 3.0: Welcome to the Fake News. I’m Femmebot 3.0 reporting live from The FACTory in Downtown  Snorelando on May 11, 2019. In today’s Fake News, according to a United Nations panel, more than a million species face extinction. That’s right. ONE MILLION. Femmebot 6.0: Good thing the humans …


When I arrive at midnight, I feel how I always feel: anxious, reluctant, guarded. Ew. His breath stinks. I don’t want to kiss him. How does a girlfriend not want to kiss her boyfriend after traveling 4.5 hours by bus just to see him? Maybe it’s that stupid show, “unReal,” I binge watched on the …

Chakra Girl Is a Femmebot’s ‘Holy Spirit’

I went to Beacon this weekend for an Alpha Retreat with 5 men and 1 woman. It’s supposed to be a time when people are supposed to be filled with the Holy Spirit, thus changing their lives forever. It felt a bit forced, to be completely honest. By 40, I have learned to move in my own time …

I turned off my phone

Tia Rosaura's Market of Food and LOVE from multimediadistrict on Vimeo. In a desperate attempt to shut out all the noise of Valentine’s Day, I turned off my phone. These days, it feels like the only way to be free, to concentrate, to be in the present moment is to literally turn off your brain…I …

1 Year of Courting

I will graduate with my masters degree in 2013. During this time I will be developing my love relationship with the Planetary Citizen. We have been evolving in real-time but we both know we are THE ONE for marriage and a baby. In the summer of 2012, we will marry, which means we will get …