Numerology is a way of making sense of a chaotic, unpredictable universe using math. As Femmebots, aka, “women in tech,” math is the underlying language for all that we do, whether coding, running our businesses with Excel spreadsheets, or visualizing data with various apps like Infogram or Datawrapper (gratuitous product placement for our LLC).
According to the first result of a Google search for “numerology one year:”
the 1 Year is a time of new interests, experiences, goals, and understandings: about life, about you, where you have been, where you are now, and where you would like to be. And, because so much drastic change is required, you will also be learning the meaning of courage.
Christine DeLory, Creative Numerology
OK. Where did the Femmebots go in the last 9-year cycle?
- 2014: Femmebot 1.0 becomes Super Gringa in São Paolo, Brazil. This is a couple years after I first started learning about numerology from a gifted intuitive woman I met in 2011, during a 7 year. She was resolute that I WOULD NOT stick or fit in Brazil. Did she influence me? No. I was relentless. I tried my DARNDEST to stick, but Brazil, like she said, wasn’t having me and spit me back to DC.
- 2015: Femmebot 2.0 becomes Hoopzilla in DC. Totally lost, even though my supervisor gave me stability by converting my part-time employee status to full-time. Woo! Stability!! Na. Wasn’t having it. As soon as we redesigned the website, I was antsy to move on to my next creative project.
- 2016: Femmebot 3.0 becomes Mom on 91 Broadway.
- Time check 5:15pm. Hourglass about halfway thru. How do I want to end this post? Scroll down.
- 2017: Femmebot 4.0 becomes Dr. Nutmeg on her own Virtual Reality TV Show In Washington Heights and Bushwick after raising almost $10k on Kickstarter.
- 2018: Femmebot 5.0 becomes an animated robot bumbling around Bedford Stuyvesant, not sure which way to go but the blues and jazz keep buzzing like a soundtrack for this time period.
- 2019: Femmebot 6.0 loses the costumes, goes home to Snorelando, and meets a REAL HUMAN @ticbowen
- 2020: There is no Femmebot 7.0 cuz @melaniefeliciano_22 comes out as a REAL HUMAN person who does not have to BECOME the characters, she just has to WRITE stories about them, for the love of GOD.
- 2021: @ticbowen pulls me out of my ass, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! ✨
- 2022: Get married to above REaL HUMAN and out pop three messy novels @uclaextension @writersprogram and everyone’s like …
your character
totes has undiagnosed ADHD (see ridic list above of half-assed ideas and scroll down to posts which show all of it haha)!!
almost everyone (how many?) who read all the various versions of my manuscript
Learned so much!!
Self Awareness 101, duh
So…this 1 year is going to be all about Revision for me.
Time check: 5:06pm. Started revising this post copied over from, where I spent all of 2021 and 2022 focusing all my writing efforts. It’s the url I share with my cohort at UCLA Extension.
2023: Revision (set to private)
I’ll be deleting and condensing and trashing and making an effort to NOT write anything new. JUST GONNA REVISE. Already focusing those efforts @careertias with a private, online Instagram-based workshop that attempts to organize my ever-active mind into something cohesive over the course of the next 9-year economic cycle, this time as just myself, in collaboration with all the peeps in Snorelando that I L-O-V-E.
2024: @CareerTias (set to private)
JAINAMATIONS, BELLIMATIONS — whatever the sobrinas are getting into, I want to be more supportive and help them along their path. I’d like to make this cycle less about me and more about using my creative work to inspire, teach, and support young people.
The 3 Year is a simpler and more casual twelve-month cycle in which you must constantly ask yourself: “What do I want?”
2026: Year 4
Let’s search for a different numerology source, since the source above isn’t giving me a satisfactory definition of a 4 year.
A shift from personal year number 3 to number 4 is a transition from a year of creative expression and socializing to a year of focusing on building a secure foundation for the future of self and family.
Affinity Numerology
2027: Year 5
It’s 5:27pm. Running out of time…need to move on to the task of reviewing the websites I’ve created, and deleting/condensing them. Interesting. I just found a blog post about our wedding and finances at (retiring this now and moving over to our new LLC, Georgic Media, formed Jan. 1, 2023, so this would be its fourth anniversary! Woah!
2028: Year 6
It’s 5:41pm. Just successfully deleted one of my websites. And I’m not ready to write this far into the future, so….let’s do a swirl!
2029: Year 7
2030: Year 8
2031: year 9
Amen. Namaste. Ciaaaoo!
Latina.Bomb ✨
(Aka @thefemmebots and Dr. Nutmeg)